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Jinn Aur Shayateen Ki Dunia Urdu Book by Dr. Umar Sulaiman Al-Ashqar

Jinn Aur Shayateen Ki Duniya جن اور شیاطین کی دنیا Urdu Book by Dr. Umar Sulaiman Al-Ashqar

Jinn Aur Shayateen Ki Duniya جن اور شیاطین کی دنیا Urdu Book by Dr. Umar Sulaiman Al-Ashqar

Jinn Aur Shayateen Ki Dunya" (the world of Jinn and Satans), Urdu Book Written by Dr. Umar Sulaiman Al-Ashqar, who was a professor in the faculty of Islamic law at the university of Jordan. Jinn Aur Shayateen Ki Dunya is actually the Urdu translation of "the world of Jinns and Demons" which is translated into Urdu language by Abdul Salam Salfi. As the book names discloses, the said book is written about Jinns and Shayateen in the light of Islam. In the said book, the author has narrated about the history of Jinns and their types, the difference between Jinns and Satans, the marriage lives of Jinns, UFO (Unidentified Flying Objects) and demons e.g Satans, magic and many similar interesting topics. In this Urdu book, the author has also clarified either Human and Jinn can marry each others or not. The author has also discussed the stories about the meetings of Jinns with various Holy Prophets like, Moses A.S, Jesus A.S, Abraham A.S, Yahya A.S and Ayub A.S.
According to the author, there are also Muslims and non-Muslims in Jinns like human being.

Jinn  are otherworldly creatures in Islamic mythology and in addition pre-islamic Arabian mythology. They are said regularly in the Qur'an (the 72nd sura is titled Sūrat al-Jinn) and other Islamic messages and occupy an unseen world in measurements past the noticeable universe of people. The Qur'an says that the jinn are made of a smokeless and "burning blaze", however are additionally physical in nature,[citation needed] having the capacity to meddle physically with individuals and items and similarly be followed up on. The Quran portrays that the jinn went under King Solomon's control.Together, the jinn, people and blessed messengers make up the three insightful manifestations of God. Like people, the jinn could be great, fiendish, or impartially altruistic and henceforth have through and through freedom like people and dissimilar to angels.jinn are the simple of evil presences in Christian convention; however jinn are not blessed messengers. The Qur'an draws an agreeable qualification between the two manifestations. The Qur'an states in surat Al-Kahf (The Cave), Ayah (50) that Iblees (Satan) is one of the Jinn

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